Madison River
The Madison RIver in Montana is fishing great! There are still a few salmonflies about and fish will still show interests for another week. Look for more action on goldens #8, and #10. Hatches will be PMD’s starting at 9am and afternoon flavs #14. Caddis will hatch throughout the day and the best patterns are x-caddis #16, and iris caddis #16 in tan or brown. In the evenings the egg laying caddis are heavy, use brown or tan elk hair caddis #14, and #16. Don’t’ forget about rusty spinners in the evening #16, and #18. If the fish are refusing your caddis, then they are probably eating spinners. The best nymphs to use are BH olive serendipities #16 and flashback PT #16.
Gallatin River
Salmonfiles are up in the Park, so look for goldens and the smaller olive/yellow stones #12, and #14. Use stimulators to match the smaller stoneflies. Of course there will be lots of caddis hatches during the day and then in the evening they will be laying eggs.
Hebgen Lake
The lake is full, so fishing and recreating has picked up. The best fishing is underneath with olive woolly buggers and leeches. Also, ice cream cones under an indicator is producing. We are seeing damsels and callibaetis hatching as well and they start about 9am. You will see some gulpers, but the best is yet to come as the hatch will get stronger as we approach August.
Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone River
Yesterday was opening day! The scouting reports have been mixed, some people seeing feeding fish, others aren’t seeing anything. Lots of different insects have been seen: salmonflies, goldenstones, PMD’s, drakes, and caddis.
Firehole River and Madison River
Water is pretty warm and is getting up to 75 degrees in the Firehole. You can find better fishing elsewhere.
Gibbon River
Fish above the falls and you will have good action using stimulators, trudes, and elk hairs #14.
Gardner River
Still some salmonflies #8, and goldenstones #10. Good action on this river. Lots of brookies at Sheepeater Cliffs, and rainbows down toward Mammoth.
Gallatin River
Salmonflies in the Park stretch, along with goldens. Fishing has been good and other hatches are PMD’s in the morning, then caddis in the evenings.
Lamar River, Soda Butte Creek, and Slough Creek
The Lamar is still dirty, especially because of the afternoon rains. Slough has come into shape and there are PMD’s hatching in the morning. At noon as the clouds build you will see drakes. Of course there are always some caddis.
Henry’s Fork
Best early or late in the day. The afternoon clouds have helped the flav hatch. In the mornings you will have spinners and then about 9am the PMD’s will start. Look for flavs in the afternoons, #14.
Henry’s Lake
Real good reports and some of the old timers are saying it is the best it’s been in twenty years. You must have a clear slow sink line and the best colors are brown, brown crystal buggers, and california leeches. Mity mouse #12 and small pheasant tails #14 trailed behind have been dynamite.