Why the Brown Rubber Legs for this month? The fish are very familiar with stonefly nymphs. The stonefly nymph takes two to three years to mature, so they are always available to the fish year round and in lots of sizes and colors. It does seem like this time of the year a Brown Rubber Legs in size #6 or #8 does well. Other times of the year different colors and sizes of rubber legs do better and catch more fish. Size #6 and #8 is usually the right amount of weight for the Madison. How do you know if it is the right amount of weight? You want to get stuck on the bottom every once in a while, then you know it’s the right amount. When I fish this fly this time of the year, I will use different droppers, mostly midge and mayfly nymphs. Midges and BWO mayflies are hatching in the spring. This is a simple fly to tie, using just chenille and sili legs. The tricky part to the fly is placement of the legs and the slowly wrapping the chenille through the legs. Check out the fly tying video we’ve include with this newsletter. If you’re not a fly tier, we always have them in stock so you can order online from our website, or stop in we’d love to see you!