Madison River
The river is flowing out of Hebgen dam at 1650cfs, that is about 1000 cfs higher than normal. The reason for such a high flow is that we have a big snow pack this year, 118% in the Madison range and they need to make room for the coming melt. So, the wade fishing will be a challenge. Fortunately, the higher water puts the fish near the banks, therefore you don’t need to wade. Just fish close to the bank. You might have to fish a bigger fly or more weight because of the higher water. I like #6 brown rubber legs or wire worm this time of the year, and a bead head dropper in size #16. Flashback pheasant tails, lighting bugs, red copper johns, and olive serendipities will all work well.
Gallatin River
The Taylor’s fork is dirty. For those of you not from around here this is important because Taylor’s Fork flows into the Gallatin River and if it’s dirty, then the Gallatin below it will also be dirty. If the weather is cold (low 30’s), then that slows down the snowmelt, so it won’t be as dirty. Some days its water is green grey color and that is fishable. Some days when it’s warmer then the color is brown, not so fishable. If I am knee deep in the water and still can see the outline of my boots I feel I can catch fish. The water between the park line and the Taylor’s fork will be clear, and the best fishing will be after 10am once the water has warmed up a bit. In the afternoon there are a few midges and some BWO hatching. #8 stoneflies in black or brown, with #14 or #16 droppers have been best. Droppers like olive hares ears, black zebra midges, and micro mayflies are catching fish.
Hebgen and Quake Lakes
I know a lot of you are excited and waiting for the ice off, but you will have to wait a little longer. The edges are melted in many places and between Yellowstone Holiday campground to Happy Hour there is good melting and it is unfrozen in large amounts in many places. Most of Hebgen is still frozen from Happy Hour to the Dam except in some places along its shore. Hold on, the rest will thaw soon with this warmer weather! Yesterday it was very windy and that is good for breaking up the ice. For those of you interested in Quake Lake, the ice is gone! Just a fun note to share, we spotted a Bald Eagle and it’s juvenile checking out the ice out on Hebgen. It was clear the adult was teaching it landing techniques. We also saw a Great Blue Heron taking advantage of the open waters of Hebgen along the shore. It’s clear everyone is ready for the ice to be gone!
Yellowstone National Park
Opens to fishing Memorial day weekend, May 25th. We drove in on the west entrance’s opening weekend and checked out the rivers. Opens to fishing Memorial day weekend, May 25th. We drove in on the west entrance’s opening weekend and checked out the rivers. Stopping at a few places along the Madison, one stop was at Mount Haynes and the water level is high, already to the banks. There was a nice cow elk enjoying the solitude and there were fish jumping in a few stretches of the river nearby. It was warm enough that there was a caddis hatch going on so that was getting the fish active. Too bad I couldn’t fish. (Sad face) Stopping at a few places along the Madison, one stop was at Mount Haynes and the water level is high, already to the banks. There was a nice cow elk enjoying the solitude and there were fish jumping in a few stretches of the river nearby. It was warm enough that there was a caddis hatch going on so that was getting the fish active. Too bad I couldn’t fish. (Sad face)